William (Jim) and Jackie (Jacqueline) Christie own a small, farm, "The Berry Farm (at Christie's Corner)." Saturdays and Sundays 8:30am - 5pm, gates are open. It's just outside of the City of Edmonton limits, Alberta, Canada. Products grown on the farm include: sea buckthorn, pumpkins, apples, apricots, plums, cherries, currants (3 kinds), saskatoons, honeyberries, strawberries and more.
Jackie has written a number of published children's poetry stories about the farm, including Pumpkin Junction (Harvest Moon Luncheon), "Merrie CherriesTM Rollie-Pollie Race Day," “Tip-Toe The Spider: Halloween Hall,” Wanda Watermelon (Wacky Waterslide Wipeout)', "Rusty Rock-a-Roodle-Roo", and "Cindy Saskatoon-berry Get's Lost."
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